Inter active democracy
"For the people, Of the people, By the people"
First & Foremost PLEASE VOTE
Your vote, though one per person, is the cornerstone of democracy. Small though it may seem, it will actually help chart the direction you wish our country to take.
If you’re as unhappy about the government in Ottawa today as I am, here’s a reminder: in the last election, the voter turnout in our Willowdale riding was 55%. The winning candidate won by receiving 41% of the total votes cast.
That is, we sent a representative to Canada’s parliament as our representative and lawmaker by the consent of a mere 22% of the electorate.
Which is approx 1 out of every 5 voters! 4 out of every 5 did not want him there!
No wonder we are all so unhappy about the direction Canada has been taken by successive governments in recent years.
Therefore, I urge you to, above all, vote in the coming election in October. And, I hope to convince you in the coming weeks to be your candidate …
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