Political campaigns are made possible by the generous donations of citizens like you. Please contribute to help make this campaign a success and help me to represent you.
Donation Facts: You may donate up to $1,384 per election called between Jan. 1, 2019 and Dec. 31, 2019, at the riding level, for a total maximum contribution of $1,384. The amount of the credit depends on how much you give. The rate is: 75% on the first $415 donated 50% on the portion of your donation between $415and $1,384. The maximum possible tax credit is $1,384. For more information about donations and tax credits, please visit
Disclaimer: By using any of the donation options below, I certify that: - I am a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada and I am making this contribution with my personal credit card and not a corporate credit card; - This contribution is not from a corporation; - The funds I am donating are from me and are not being provided by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
Donation Options:
- Make donation securely using PayPal by clicking the Donate button below (Recommended)
- Mail your contribution, please make your check payable to Dr. Birinder Singh Ahluwalia Federal Campaign 2019 and send to:
Dr. Birinder Singh Ahluwalia Federal Campaign 2019
490 Cummer Avenue, Willowdale M2M 2G5 Ontario, Canada