Dialogue with voters
A resident from Willowdale riding who requested to stay anonymous wrote an email to Dr. Birinder S Ahluwalia.
I want to thank you for running as an independent in my riding.
Candidates are suppose to represent their constituents first, not their parties and I think independents are the best way to achieve that. I'm interning with a party backed candidate downtown and it disappoints me how restricted he is. To me it violates the whole purpose of electoral districts.
I want to vote for a representative who represents me in the federal government, not a party to run the country. I think you should really play that up more on your website here. It's a huge advantage people don't appreciate. The only thing that influences you are your convictions and that of your constituents, not some top heavy bureaucracy with a leader no one has ever met.
I'm working nonstop for the campaign downtown so I'm unable to volunteer for your campaign but you still have my vote (just don't tell my boss!). I hope you do well in the upcoming election!
Reply from Dr. Ahluwalia's Campaign HQ
He believes, we have very important issues to tackle that face our Communities & our Country (Health care, Environment, Jobs & Economy…..) & we need elected representatives who are committed to working hard to provide solutions & not just attempting to get elected or re-elected.
Thank you and regards,
Volunteer for Dr. Ahluwalia Federal Election 2015
I am volunteering to get Dr. Ahluwalia elected on October 19, 2015 because I believe he is the most suitable candidate to represent Willowdale riding as MP
Mr. Tyminski, a resident from Willowdale riding wrote an email to Dr. Birinder S Ahluwalia.
He wrote...
I've read your "Issues Based Campaign".
I am sorry, I do not need to elect you to know what is wrong.
Do not tell me what is wrong, tell me how to fix it.
I am disappointed, definitely you will not get my vote.
Reply from Dr. Ahluwalia's Campaign HQ
Dear Mr. Tyminski
Thank you for submitting your comments re Dr. Ahluwalia's Federal Campaign 2015.
At Dr.Ahluwalia's campaign headquarters we are on the same page with you that there is a lot wrong in Ottawa that needs to be addressed/corrected for the benefit of Canadians (and our Country)
We also believe, based on history, that all that is wrong in Ottawa is significantly as a result of - "Most times Politicians sacrifice Principle for the Party".
Hence it is extremely important that we have hard working, visionary, non partisan, accountable elected officials who can bring strong and principled voice on behalf of Canadians to the Parliament, to have meaningful and constructive input in debating and Formulation of Legislation that is good for Canadians/Canada - whether it is re - Health Care, Seniors issues, Supporting the Middle class, National Daycare, Climate Change, Issues of Native Indians and Human Rights, Veterans issues.........that is why Dr. Ahluwalia has put forward an issues based campaign agenda as an Independent Candidate.
A voter from Willowdale wrote to Dr.Ahluwalia specifically about Pipeline 9 issue and Dr.Ahluwalia responded immediately addressing his stance re voter's this particular issue - this conversation is posted on Dr.Ahluwalia's campaign website www.icwillowdale.ca as Dialogue Stop Line 9 for your perusal.
Dr. Ahluwalia's issues based campaign clearly defines what needs to be done in Ottawa and objectives that he would like to accomplish re various issues once he is elected MP from the riding of Willowdale.
You can be assured that Dr.Ahluwalia will put his Heart and Soul into working hard on issues that are dear to the heart of Willowdalers/Canadians.
At campaign Headquarters we would welcome any further questions from you or from your friends that you would like Dr.Ahluwalia to address. He is also available 24/7 to answer any questions from voters at 416.820.3143.
We would like to have your support in this Federal Election!
Thank you
Volunteer for Dr. Ahluwalia Federal Election 2015
I am volunteering to get Dr. Ahluwalia elected on October 19, 2015 because I believe he is the most suitable candidate to represent Willowdale riding as MP
If you have any question(s) on this dialogue or on any other topic for Dr. Birinder S Ahluwalia; kindly send an email to bsa@icwillowdale.ca or fill and submit the form below.
Dr. Birinder S Ahluwalia, Independent Candidate for Willowdale riding, Federal Election October 19, 2015
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